reddot award

The origins of the Red Dot Design Award go back to 1955. The institution behind the competition is the Design Zentrum NRW, which has been headed by Prof. Dr. Peter Zec since 1991.

His award, the “Red Dot”, has established itself internationally as one of the most coveted quality seals for good design.

The award of the renowned Red Dot certifies an outstanding design achievement and symbolizes a seal of quality of skill. We as a company have recognised that not only the quality of our products but also our product designs lead to an indispensable unique selling proposition on the market.

By winning a Red Dot award, each winner achieves a time-resistant instrument with which he or she can stand out positively from the competition and generate worldwide attention. Red Dot is also active on behalf of its winners. Whether during the various exhibitions or on the World Wide Web, Red Dot provides the winning works with visibility at the highest level, not least thanks to their publication in the International Yearbook Communication Design.

Reasons enough for us to be proud of the award for our BS series! Another argument for you to choose our products.
